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Like many great (21st century) tales, the Bean To story started with a man in his parent’s garage watching a YouTube video.

The man was Jamie Stapleton, a hospitality worker who wanted to create something of his own. A cafe was a far too big of an investment so instead he got to work building a cart with his Dad's tools and old materials. 

From humble beginnings in 2011 as a one-man one-trike show, Bean To has grown to comprise a fleet of mobile coffee options, a team of staff, two permanent locations and a number of recurring event bookings. 

Jamie remains as hands on in the growing business as ever, overseeing all operations and building each new machine by hand.

... He can even do it without YouTube now. 

owner of melbourne coffee cart business Bean To smiling in front of graffitia wall
group of professional melbourne coffee bart baristas smiling
barista in green shirt smiling behing timber coffee cart with iced coffees in front of him
femals baristas laughing as they hold custom branded coffee cups and aprons at mobile coffee event
melbourn barista strikes happy pose in front of timber event coffee cart


The BeanTo crew are an incredible bunch of people who bring personality, a focus on quality and plenty of good vibes.

We all share a love for good coffee and consistently strive to deliver for our customers.

Want to join the team?

We are committed to providing a great environment  for our team to work, learn and succeed in the hospitality industry.

We’re always on the hunt for friendly and talented people so if you're interested send your cover letter and CV to

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